A Fine Gael MEP and senator have both hit out at Minister for Agriculture Charlie McConalogue for not travelling to Brussels to fight a cut to Ireland’s nitrates derogation, despite their party being in coalition with the Minister’s party, Fianna Fáil.

Fine Gael agriculture spokesperson Senator Tim Lombard said that it was a “real blow” that Minister McConalogue had a virtual meeting with the European Commissioner for the Environment Virginijus Sinkervicius, rather than meeting him in person.

On Wednesday evening, reacting to the news of the nitrates cut, Fine Gael MEP Colm Markey said he can’t believe “the best Minister McConalogue could manage was a virtual meeting with Commissioner Sinkevicius, which clearly didn't work”.

“I'm due to meet the Commissioner in person next week and will be raising my serious concerns about the decision,” he said.

Fine Gael Minister of State Martin Heydon, a colleague of both Markey and Lombard, works alongside Minister McConalogue at the Department of Agriculture.


Senator Lombard said farmers have been left” frustrated and disappointed at the changes to nitrates derogation limits and delays in farm payments”.

“I’m in Brussels this week with three other members of the Oireachtas Committee on Agriculture, Food and Marine.

"We have a face-to-face meeting with Environment Commissioner Virginijus Sinkevicius this afternoon where I will be outlining the impact of this decision in person.

Minister for Agriculture Charlie McConalogue. \ Philip Doyle

“There is a strong and credible case to be made on behalf of Irish farmers and I will still make that case today, but it is deeply disappointing and frustrating that we didn’t get to do so before Minister McConalogue’s meeting on Monday,” he said.


Senator Lombard called for a thorough and complete assessment of the economic impact of the nitrates decision.

“It’s like a perfect storm for dairy farmers right now. We’ve seen the price of milk fall from high 50s to mid-30c/l. Now, effectively, there will be a cap placed on the production of milk.

“How does Minister McConalogue propose to bridge this gap? We need a vision and policy for this industry, which is so crucial to this country,” he added.

Read more

Nitrates cut to trigger land market turmoil