While Irish processors set May milk price this week, New Zealand milk suppliers have got their first forecast for next year’s milk (2022/2023 season) at a mid point of $9/kg milk solids (40c/l).


The average base milk price paid out in the Netherlands rose by about 3.5c/l in May. The lift is closer to 2c/l in Ireland.

In the Netherlands, base milk price is now close to 54c/l at 3.57% protein and 4.4% fat.

The Vreugdenhill Dairy company paid the highest base milk price at 56c/l. In Denmark, Arla lifted June milk price by 5c/l to a base price of 53c/l.

In the UK, May and June milk price increases of 5p/l to 6p/l (6c/l to 8c/l) have taken manufacturing milk price to 42p/l and 43p/l (48c/l to 50c/l).

Netherlands and ammonia

Meanwhile in the Netherlands, some commentators are suggesting the Dutch government is on a mission to eliminate farming from the Netherlands.

Last week, the Minister for nature and nitrogen, Christianne van der Wal, suggested that farming must close down in various areas of the Netherlands.

The new approach involves monitoring stocking rate and nitrogen emissions on a region-by-region basis.

Nitrogen-based pollution must be cut by 12% by 2030 in some areas and closer to 100% in others. In total, levels must be slashed by 70% in 131 key areas, she said.