DEAR EDITOR, I read with interest your recent article highlighting the concerns about fertiliser samples not meeting the expected standards (‘Fertiliser samples out of spec’ 7 August 2024).

It is crucial for the agricultural sector to remain vigilant in ensuring that the products we rely on to nourish our crops are of the highest quality. Farmers must have complete confidence that the fertilisers they apply are precisely what their crops need, given the season, soil, and crop type.

At Yara, we have always placed the utmost importance on product quality and on the declared analysis. We do this as we understand how essential it is for farmers to achieve not only the best possible yield from their crops, but more importantly, the best financial return from the investment they are making from their fertilisers.

We are deeply concerned by the reports of substandard fertilisers in the Irish market. This is precisely why Yara has invested heavily in quality control processes that start from the sourcing of raw materials and continue through to the final product.

Our state-of-the-art facilities are equipped with the latest technology to monitor and ensure that every aspect of the production process adheres to strict quality standards.


Our rigorous testing regime ensures that every batch of fertiliser meets the exacting standards our customers expect. Our commitment is encapsulated in our promise: “What’s on the bag, is in the bag.”

This isn’t just a slogan; it’s a guarantee of the meticulous quality control processes we have in place to guarantee that the product specifications are met consistently.

In the timeframe specified in your article, we are proud to say that 100% of Yara products tested by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine passed the analysis specification.

This result underscores our unwavering commitment to quality and reliability in every product we deliver.

This dedication to quality is not just about protecting Yara’s reputation; it’s about safeguarding the interests of the entire agricultural community.

The issue raised in your article is a reminder of the importance of industry-wide commitment to quality.

The agricultural sector must pull together to address this problem, ensuring that farmers can rely on the products they use to deliver the harvests and yields they depend on.

We believe that by maintaining and surpassing these standards, we can help farmers achieve the best results and contribute to the overall success of the agricultural sector.