If you’re planning a romantic candlelight dinner on 14 February, will you be including some famously romantic foods, as well? Certain foods have long been thought to bring on those – ahem – loving feelings, like chocolate-covered strawberries or oysters and champagne. Known as aphrodisiacs, these foods don’t just exist in western cultures like our own, but all around the world in various forms (and potency). Some seem tame enough, while others…well, read on and you’ll find out for yourself. Here are some aphrodisiac foods from different global cultures:
If you’re planning a romantic candlelight dinner on 14 February, will you be including some famously romantic foods, as well? Certain foods have long been thought to bring on those – ahem – loving feelings, like chocolate-covered strawberries or oysters and champagne.
Known as aphrodisiacs, these foods don’t just exist in western cultures like our own, but all around the world in various forms (and potency). Some seem tame enough, while others…well, read on and you’ll find out for yourself. Here are some aphrodisiac foods from different global cultures:
Let’s start off with an easy one: the avocado. Ancient Aztecs called avocado trees “testicle trees” and associated this creamy, mild fruit with increased fertility and sexual desire. There is little actual evidence that avocados will increase libido, but zinc, vitamin E and magnesium are all good for fertility – and are all found in avocado.
South Korea
In Korea, there are certain dishes you are meant to eat in the height of summer when the weather is hottest. One of them is freshwater eel, known as jangeo. This is commonly eaten either grilled or in a soup. Eel is rich in vitamin A and E; Koreans believe eating it increases energy, stamina and, of course, libido.
If you can stomach it, there is one food believed to be the perfect Filipino aphrodisiac: balut. This dish is extremely high in protein and believed to not just boost energy and strengthen your body – it is also believed to increase male virility and help women have healthy pregnancies.
It is a fertilised egg (usually duck) which has been streamed. The thing is – it is well-fertilised, meaning you are actually eating a steamed duck embryo, with little duck features. Not to everyone’s taste, but it is a dish found – in some form – throughout Southeast Asia.
Here’s one which is a bit more extreme than a steamed duck embryo: in Vietnam and other Southeast Asian countries, it is considered good for male virility to have a shot of cobra blood, or consume cobra organs. Indeed, many believe consuming cobra blood will increase sexual performance, while cobra meat is seen as a medicinal food for everything from acne to diabetes.
Let’s end on a food well-known to the Irish farming community: milk. In India, milk and other dairy products, like ghee (Indian clarified butter), have long been considered foods which will support your reproductive system and help increase libido. In India, it is believed milk is best consumed warm and lightly spiced – sometimes with honey and saffron, or cardamom. This is one aphrodisiac we can all get on board with.
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