Clostridial vaccine
Last week’s management notes included information on feeding hill lambs indoors.
Administering the clostridial disease vaccine is important not only in animals being finished indoors but in any lambs experiencing a sharp change in management and nutrition.
There is always debate about whether one treatment is sufficient.
Manufacturers explain that two treatments administered four to six weeks apart are required to build full immunity and that one course will provide a level of protection.
The decision should be based on the risk level on the farm and the duration lambs will be on the farm.
For example, lambs finished this side of Christmas may suffice on some farms with one treatment, while it will be much easier to justify and it is highly recommended to give two treatments to light lambs that will remain on farm until the spring.
Liver fluke
Following up on the health status of livers of sheep being presented for slaughter is a useful way of identifying the presence of fluke parasites in the coming weeks.
Some plants are providing this information on sales receipts, while others will provide information where requested.