Grass supplies: Conditions for lambing ewes are as close to ideal as possible and presenting excellent opportunities to get ewes and lambs turned outdoors quickly, or for flocks to lamb outdoors. Grass supplies are not flush with a sharp dip in night-time temperatures and relatively low daytime temperatures reducing soil temperatures. Most farmers however will happily accept this position compared to last year’s challenging underfoot conditions with grass utilisation excellent and sheep much easier to keep content. Where grass reserves are being depleted quickly then taking steps to conserve supplies and introducing concentrate supplementation will help. Ewes which have access to sufficient grass supplies (4cm plus) will not typically require supplementation to meet nutritional demands. Aged/two-tooth hogget ewes or ewes in poor body condition will benefit from a nutritional boost that offering 0.3kg to 0.6kg concentrates provides. Where grass supplies are scarce at a sward height of less than 3.5cm (or utilisation is poor) the concentrate supplementation will be required to satisfy nutritional demands and avoid any check in performance/milk yield hit. Twin-suckling ewes in good body condition will perform satisfactorily receiving 0.7kg to 1kg concentrates with this rate rising to 1kg to 1.2kg for ewes lacking flesh.