Factory lamb and butchers’ lamb have held reasonably well in the past week. However, the prices of store lambs has eased slightly once again.
Lambs from 45kg to 50kg are selling mainly from €94 to €98/head, with prices rising to close on €104/head at the top of the market. Prices are averaging at about €96/head.
Lighter types from 40kg to 45kg have seen a slight slip of €2 to €3/head and are now selling mainly from €80 to €90/head, with the average making around €85/head.
Store lamb prices are back slightly, but plenty of buyers remain active at marts throughout the country. Stores from 35kg to 40kg are selling mainly from €70 to €78/head, back by €1 to €2/head for the second week in a row. There continues to be slightly improved demand for store lambs right across the country.
Light stores from 30kg to 35kg are selling mainly from €62 to €75/head, with prices averaging at just over the €60/head. While that price is back a bit on last week, the true price is about €65/head.
Hill lambs are becoming a more difficult trade, with light lots selling from as low as €1.20/kg to €1.60/kg.
The cull ewe trade is seeing prices range mainly from €80 to €110 for good-quality fleshed types, while feeding ewes are making from €60 for plain broken mouth types to €80 for better-quality types.