The mart trade for lambs took a lift this week on the back of increased factory quotes. Mart managers reported increased interest from a number of factories, with some very anxious to secure supplies of factory-finished lambs. They are also reporting smaller numbers coming out to sales.
The mart trade for lambs took a lift this week on the back of increased factory quotes.
Mart managers reported increased interest from a number of factories, with some very anxious to secure supplies of factory-finished lambs. They are also reporting smaller numbers coming out to sales.
Cull ewes met an exceptional demand in Kingscourt Mart on Monday night, with lighter cull ewes ranging in price from €140 to €200/head depending on flesh cover and weight.
Heavier cull ewes over 100kg were selling from €280 to €300/head, with one ewe weighing 110kg topping at €308.
Lambs and hoggets also met very good demand, with any hoggets over 50kg crossing the €200/head mark. Lighter lambs in the 40kg to 45kg weight bracket sold from €160 to €200 depending on weight and flesh cover.
Store lambs were also in demand, with good-quality lowland store lambs selling for around the €4/kg mark.
Speaking to the Irish Farmers Journal, Kingscourt Mart manager Lisa Keenan said: “ We had a great trade for all types of sheep on Monday night, with hogget lambs seeing a lift in price of €4 to €8/head on the previous week.”
The mart has started a special suck calf sale on Saturdays, the same day as its weekly weanling sale.

This cull ewe weighed 68kg and sold for €146.

This cull ewe weighed 110kg and sold for €308.

This pair of Suffolk lambs weighed 59kg and sold for €221 each.

This pair of lambs weighing 56kg sold for €219 each.

This pen of eight Texel-cross lambs weighed 54kg and sold for €214/head.