Fifteen sheep have been killed and four more injured after a dog attack in south Dublin.

The incident happened on the afternoon of Friday 13 September between 3pm and 5pm during which two large dogs from a neighbour’s house attacked a flock of sheep.

The attack was stopped by the owner of the flock and the two dogs were destroyed at the scene.

Speaking to the Irish Farmers Journal, the sheep farmer - who did not wish to be named - said this was the second attack on his flock in recent times, with nine sheep killed last November.

He said these incidents can be devastating for sheep farmers, financially and emotionally.

“We had a difficult spring, there was a lot of abortions and the bad weather. It’s just soul destroying when you see that happening, when you put all your hard work in.

“And that puts a lot of lads away from sheep, they can give up. It’s the worst thing that can happen to a sheep farmer.”

‘Knock-on effects’

Initially, only seven sheep were killed by the dogs, but severe injuries to the sheep that affected their breathing required another eight to be later put down.

Gardaí were informed about the incident and attended the farm on Sunday 15 September.

The farmer added that seeing attacks is terrible for farmers, but it is becoming all too common.

“Unfortunately, I’ve seen it plenty of times before when I was growing up. It’s common enough and people don’t realise the damage they do,” he said.

“[The flock] are still bunched up there in the field, it takes them a while to recover after it as well. They stay in a bunch and won’t spread out to where they usually do and I can’t round them up with a dog for a while. It has a knock-on effect.”