Motorists are urged to be vigilant on the roads as the deer breeding season commences.

According to the Irish Deer Commission, the chances of a collision with a deer is higher from late September until early November during the rutting season.

Motorists should be particularly wary at dawn and dusk, when deer are most active, particularly in high-risk areas such as woodlands and mountains.

"While the rut is an amazing experience to witness, it is also a time when there is an increased incident of road traffic accidents involving deer, as male deer go in search of females and younger males are ousted by dominant males, forcing deer to cross public roads and motorways," spokesperson for the Irish Deer Commission Damien Hannigan said.


The Irish Deer Commission has a number of tips when motorists are in a deer-dense area or are head on with a deer on the road.

  • Reduce speed where they see a warning sign and stay alert.
  • Prepare to stop and never swerve, as you could hit another obstacle or oncoming vehicle.
  • When you see a deer, dip your headlights, as the full beam may cause the deer to freeze.
  • If a deer has crossed in front of your vehicle, be aware that others may follow.
  • Do not approach an injured deer.
  • Road traffic accident

    It is advised that if you are involved in a road traffic accident involving a deer or come across a deer that has been involved in a road traffic accident to immediately contact local gardaí.

    The Irish Deer Commission operates a humane deer dispatch scheme, with 135 trained volunteers assisting agencies and charities which deal with an increasing number of deer vehicle collisions nationally.