Seatbelt gate fastener

First off, we have this gate latch from TikTok user Kieran Flynn, shared through the Farm Hacks Twitter page.

Kieran has fastened an old seatbelt buckle to a farm gate, with the receiving end bolted to the wall.

When the gate is slammed shut against the wall, the seatbelt fastens to hold the gate in place. The gate is easily released like any other seat belt to release the gate.

Blue barrel straw feeder

A common item around any farm, blue barrels have a multitude of uses. Here, the farmer has created a cheap and cheerful calf feeder.

They have cut strips from the side of the barrel to allow calves to feed on straw, with the top of the barrel removed to allow for the barrel to be replenished.

The strips have been screwed back into the barrel to hold it in place on the gate, although it would be relatively simple to make up a stronger metal bracket.

Easy electric fence repair

This farming hack comes from dairy editor Aidan Brennan.

A quick and easy way to reattach the fence line to a handle, Aidan has discovered, is by using a spring-loaded clip.

The clip makes for easy attachment should either the handle or wire break, for example if Aidan drives over it with a tractor!