Each week, a brand-new original student worksheet will be available to complement each one of the study guides, which can be used by students in class or at home.
The original worksheets will include various tasks from comprehension exercises, dictionary work, multiple choice questions and more.
The worksheets have been designed to enhance learning of the new Leaving Certificate material and as alternatives to exam questions.
The worksheets can be used as a tool to assess self-learning or, alternatively, classroom assessment.
The answers can be found in the corresponding study guide and the linked content. Additional sources such as the Irish Farmers Journal website, Teagasc website (http://www.teagasc.ie/), and the Agri Aware Virtual Farm may be useful.
Task 1: Answer the questions below
Explain the term genetic improvement. Describe how farmers have made genetic improvements in their animal enterprise based on physical traits of their animals.State two ways farmers can genetically improve their animal production system.State one potential benefit of genetic improvement in the production of food.Task 2: Answer the questions below
Describe two advantages of artificial insemination (AI) in cattle or sheep or pigs.Describe two disadvantages of artificial insemination (AI) in cattle or sheep or pigs.Distinguish between two methods of fertilisation of a named farm animal.Task 3: Answer the questions below
Briefly describe two methods of heat detection used on Irish farms.Explain the importance of heat detection devices. What is the difference between a cow's oestrus and its oestrus cycle? Task 4: Answer the questions below
What is sexed semen?Why is the use of sexed semen beneficial on dairy farms?Outline the five main steps in embryo transfer. How old are the embryos when they are flushed out of the donor cow?
2021-2022 Study Guide worksheet: reproductive technologies
Each week, a brand-new original student worksheet will be available to complement each one of the study guides, which can be used by students in class or at home.
The original worksheets will include various tasks from comprehension exercises, dictionary work, multiple choice questions and more.
The worksheets have been designed to enhance learning of the new Leaving Certificate material and as alternatives to exam questions.
The worksheets can be used as a tool to assess self-learning or, alternatively, classroom assessment.
The answers can be found in the corresponding study guide and the linked content. Additional sources such as the Irish Farmers Journal website, Teagasc website (http://www.teagasc.ie/), and the Agri Aware Virtual Farm may be useful.
Task 1: Answer the questions below
Explain the term genetic improvement. Describe how farmers have made genetic improvements in their animal enterprise based on physical traits of their animals.State two ways farmers can genetically improve their animal production system.State one potential benefit of genetic improvement in the production of food.Task 2: Answer the questions below
Describe two advantages of artificial insemination (AI) in cattle or sheep or pigs.Describe two disadvantages of artificial insemination (AI) in cattle or sheep or pigs.Distinguish between two methods of fertilisation of a named farm animal.Task 3: Answer the questions below
Briefly describe two methods of heat detection used on Irish farms.Explain the importance of heat detection devices. What is the difference between a cow's oestrus and its oestrus cycle? Task 4: Answer the questions below
What is sexed semen?Why is the use of sexed semen beneficial on dairy farms?Outline the five main steps in embryo transfer. How old are the embryos when they are flushed out of the donor cow?
2021-2022 Study Guide worksheet: reproductive technologies