Approximately 28,872ha of cereal straw, or 65% of the original area, was taken out of the Straw Incorporation Measure (SIM) in 2024.
Figures from the Department of Agriculture show that a total of 44,123ha of cereal straw had been applied for under the SIM to be chopped and incorporated at a payment rate of €250/ha. Some farmers had received requests to sell straw after they applied and were planning on exiting the measure.
However, after the Minister for Agriculture tried to suspend the SIM and then decided to leave it in place, he brought in the Baling Assistance Payment (BAP). This payment incentivised farmers to pull out of the SIM and be paid €175/ha to bale their straw, resulting in a large area exiting from the measure.
For example, figures show that farmers had planned to chop 15,902ha of spring barley straw, but this figure declined to 5,007ha. Spring oat area in the measure went from 12,925ha to 5,238ha, while 7,133ha of oilseed rape straw was chopped.
The Department reported that 15,251ha of cereal straw was chopped under the SIM in 2024. In 2023, 56,700ha of cereal straw was entered in the SIM, but it did not all stay in the measure.
This far surpassed the target in the Government’s Climate Action Plan to incorporate 35,000ha of cereal straw by 2025 and the 2030 target to incorporate 55,000ha.
However, 2024 saw a backwards step in meeting those targets. It should also be noted that there was an underspend in the SIM in 2024, as only €4.8m was spent from the €10m budget.
The BAP cannot be funded from that budget.
The Department has said that any outstanding payments due under the SIM will be paid in the coming weeks as queries are being resolved.
Some 950 farmers applied for the BAP which is due to be paid soon.