With 138 bulls and four heifers to go through the sales ring at the Galbraith Stirling bull sales on Monday 20 February, judging the Simmental pre-sale show on Sunday morning was a tough task for judge Colin Fordyce of the Islabank Farm in Blairgowrie.

An impressive overall championship line-up saw Bannhill Farm Masterpiece 21 do the business for Alan Wilson. The June 2021-born Kilbride Farm Bantry son stood as the intermediate champion before going on to claim the overall title. His maternal grandsire was Auchorachan Wizard and his dam is a full sister to the very well known, Ballinalare Farm Galaxy.

Taking the reserve overall champion spot was the very impressive May 2021-born Blackford Mars 21 owned by Mr WG McPherson. The Heathbrow Important 17-sired bull also clinched the top spot in the senior championship earlier that day. Mars 21 has a very notable sire stack with his dam sired by Hockenhull Waterloo classifying EX91.

The Reserve senior champion sash was awarded to Lot 13 Backmuir Moonshine 21 from Reece and Andrew Simmers. This exceptional April 2021-born bull was sired by the 2020 Stirling February bull sales overall champion and was born from a Skerrington Warlord 2-sired cow.

The Robinson family were also in the prizes with their July 2021-born entry Kilbride farm Morikawa 21(P) taking the reserve intermediate spot. Morikawa 21 is sired by Islavale Harvest 16 and has some Irish influence in the form of his maternal grandsire Curaheen Gunshot.

The final championship was the hotly contested Junior bulls. Islavale Mufasa 21 prevailed and secured his place at the top of the line-up. This October 2021 bull also has an Irish connection as his dam is sired by Clonagh A Superstar from the herd of Garrett Behan.

The reserve junior championship was scooped up by Richard and Rhys Rodgers with their September 2021-born bull Hiltonstown Matrix 21. Matric is a Saltire Impressive son bred out of a Kilbride Farm Warren dam.

The Simmental sale in Stirling will commence on Monday 20 February at 10am.

Junior Champion Islavale Mufasa 21, born in October 2021 and sired by Corskie Highlander 16.

Reserve Senior Champion Backmuir Moonshine 21, born in April 2021 and sired by Wolfstar Jackaroo.

Senior champion Blackford Mars 21, born in May 2021 and sired by Heathbrow Important 17.