Barryroe, which came first in the Barryroe Co-op tops the KPMG/IFJ Milk Price Review for the fourth year in a rowIrish Farmers Journal/KPMG milk price review for a fourth consecutive time this year, has held.

It is therefore paying a price of 24.1c/l excluding VAT based on 3.3% protein and 3.6% fat.

Lisavaird, which came second in the review, also held. It is paying a price of 23.73c/l excluding VAT based on 3.3% protein and 3.6% fat.

Bandon, which came third, is also holding, offering its suppliers 23.24c/l, excluding VAT at 3.6% fat and 3.3% protein.

Finally, Drinagh, which came fourth in the milk price review, is also paying 23.73c/l excluding VAT and based on 3.3% protein and 3.6% fat.

So far all Irish milk processors have held, with Lakeland being the first to do so. The announcement from the country's third-largest co-op was soon followed by announcements from Aurivo, Arrabawn, Dairygold and Carbery that they would also be holding their milk price.


Earlier this month, Ornua announced that its Purchasing Price Index (PPI) of dairy commodities for the month of June was unchanged.

The Ornua PPI for June is at 81.0 (equivalent to 22.5 c/l, VAT inclusive, based on Ornua's product purchase mix and assumed processing costs of 6.5p/l).

Meanwhile, the GDT, which took place on Tuesday, is unchanged on the previous event on 5 July when it dropped by 0.4%.

Additional reporting by Tommy Moyles