Minister for Agriculture Charlie McConalogue has been given the green light to roll out a new €28m beef welfare scheme aimed at suckler farmers.
The Department of Public Expenditure and Reform cleared the €28m funding required to replace the BEEP-S scheme on Monday. The Irish Farmers Journal understands an IBR herd testing programme and meal feeding pre- and post-weaning will be among the requirements of the scheme.
If the new scheme were to attract the same number of cows as SCEP, it would pay out €60/cow for 2023.
A Department of Agriculture spokesperson said the beef welfare scheme is due to open at the end of July.
“This date will allow the Department present the farmer and his/her FAS adviser with the number of eligible cows calved and calves registered in the period 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023.
“The terms and conditions for the scheme are currently being finalised and will be announced in due course in advance of the scheme opening.”