After last year’s dreadful ploughing weather, it has made a nice change to don boots and t-shirts instead of wellies and waterproofs.

Farmers' moods were positive in the field, despite what has been an extremely tough 15 months on farmers, which shows the resilience of those involved in the ag-sector.

The fine, dry period has been very much welcomed by those in the western half of the country. While ground conditions had improved of late, every extra day drying now will hopefully extend the grazing season.

If there is any remaining slurry left in tanks, now is the ideal time to spread it ahead of the closed period beginning on 1 October.

While it will not be the major kicker of growth that many would like, it will help green things up and get tanks emptied ahead of winter.


Willie Treacy – Hackballscross, Co Louth

Cattle are very content with the warm, settled weather, though we are a little short on moisture for grass growth.

We completed some reseeding last year which is most in need of moisture. This received dung six weeks prior to seeding, with an additional three bags/acre of 18-6-12 spread post-sowing. High sugar Aber varieties were chosen, with white clover also in the mix.

We have started feeding straw out in feeders with stock, and they are moving through surprisingly quickly.

Spring calvers have been scanned, with 95% in-calf. Empty cows have been removed to avoid upset with bull weanlings. Autumn born bulls have been housed for feeding, with some finishing heifers likely to follow soon.

System Suckler to beef

Soil Type Free draining

Farm cover (kg/DM/ha) 944

Growth (kg/DM/ha/day) 57

Demand (kg/DM/ha/day) 48

Shaun Diver – Tullamore Farm, Co Offaly

The last of the fertiliser was spread last week ahead of the deadline. We spread 1 bag/acre of 18-6-12 on 20 acres. Ground conditions are excellent, with cows really nailing out paddocks, even with the higher pre grazing yields of 1,800-1,900kg DM/ha.

Cull cows are housed, with once-a-day suckling being practiced ahead of drying off. Straw is being fed to aid in drying off. These will be staying in for finishing, receiving baled silage and concentrates.

Ewes will be mineral bolused this weekend, and will be run through the footbath. Any thinner ewes have been on better grass to build BCS, though the majority of ewes are in great condition. Ewe lambs for breeding received their toxo vaccine.

System Suckler to beef

Soil Type Variable

Farm cover (kg/DM/ha) 1,033

Growth (kg/DM/ha/day) 60

Demand (kg/DM/ha/day) 37

Ken Gill – Clonbollogue, Co Offaly

Growth is just matching demand, but hopefully this warmer weather might kick grass forward a gear. I’m nearly finished calving now, with just five cows left to calve, and so far it has been one of our better years.

We cut our organic oats which were undersown with a half rate of grass, so this has a nice green cover on it. It will work as our lie back for the turnips, rape and kale that we will run our 67 yearling cattle on until mid-December. Grass silage has already been laid out for buffer feeding.

The turnips, rape and kale are looking much better, having been sown three weeks earlier than last year. Fodder budget is done and we have enough. We have some straw bought and some of our own for bedding.

System Organic suckler to beef

Soil Type Variable

Farm cover (kg/DM/ha) 473

Growth (kg/DM/ha/day) 26

Demand (kg/DM/ha/day) 26