Yearling bullocks and heifers have really started to stretch over the past fortnight. They are at grass just over eight weeks at this stage.

Heifers are grazing perfect swards at the moment and graze-outs are excellent. However, a group of bullocks are grazing a strong sward of grass at the moment. This would ideally have been taken out as surplus grass, however given the dry conditions and little sign of rain in the forecast, it was decided to graze this paddock.

Calves are doing well, with concentrate levels reduced to increase grass intake.

Grazing strong swards for a short period of time will not affect cattle growth rates. The only issue would be if we were grazing this heavy cover and grass was going strong ahead of cattle elsewhere on the farm – meaning they would be entering another strong paddock in the next move. We are happy that the next paddocks will be just about right for grazing when the cattle move.

Calves are doing well. Meal feeding has been reduced to the oldest batch of calves to drive grass intake. They are still receiving 0.5kg/day just to keep them going and if weather was to turn, they would be used to eating some meal.