Finishing cattle which have already started meal-feeding are ideal stock to house and continue feeding inside. Take care not to damage paddocks too much, as this will increase the amount of water retained and slow the recovery process. Some farmers use roadways or stand-off areas to keep cows off grass for periods, allowing calves continued access to the field. Take care when housing young calves as pneumonia incidence can increase. Tetany control measures should be introduced during difficult weather. Water-based supplementation is unreliable during wet weather periods, as cows won’t drink enough to get adequate magnesium.
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Beef management: autumn-calving cows
Beef management: reseeds
Beef management: Tullamore Farm update
Grass+ beef: building toward a mid-September peak
Finishing cattle which have already started meal-feeding are ideal stock to house and continue feeding inside. Take care not to damage paddocks too much, as this will increase the amount of water retained and slow the recovery process. Some farmers use roadways or stand-off areas to keep cows off grass for periods, allowing calves continued access to the field. Take care when housing young calves as pneumonia incidence can increase. Tetany control measures should be introduced during difficult weather. Water-based supplementation is unreliable during wet weather periods, as cows won’t drink enough to get adequate magnesium.
Read more
Beef management: autumn-calving cows
Beef management: reseeds
Beef management: Tullamore Farm update
Grass+ beef: building toward a mid-September peak