There is more life in the beef trade this week, with cattle agents more eager to source numbers. Processors made attempts to try to keep a lid on the trade last week, with cuts to base quotes.Some cattle agents had indicated that there would be a further price cut this week in response to strong supplies of finished cattle coming on to the market and a slight easing in demand with the Christmas kill now passed.
There is more life in the beef trade this week, with cattle agents more eager to source numbers. Processors made attempts to try to keep a lid on the trade last week, with cuts to base quotes.
Some cattle agents had indicated that there would be a further price cut this week in response to strong supplies of finished cattle coming on to the market and a slight easing in demand with the Christmas kill now passed.
However, any moves to pull prices have not been successful, with some plants adding 2p/kg to quotes and deals offered well ahead of base price.
Snow and ice have slowed the flow of cattle, leaving plants tighter on numbers than they anticipated.
The heavy snow fall in Britain has also left plants on the mainland short of cattle this week. With northern plants filling the gap in supply, it has helped to underpin cattle prices here.
Meat plants are quoting 350p to 356p/kg on U-3 grade cattle. However, most farmers report that 356p/kg is being widely paid, with others reporting 358p/kg being offered.
Farmers with bigger numbers and selling more regularly are securing 360p to 362p/kg, with reports of 365p to 370p/kg at the very top end of the market this week.
Higher prices apply to in-spec animals and include premiums for supply arrangements.
The average price paid on steers and heifers last week was steady at 352.13p/kg. The average price paid on U3 steers increased by 2p/kg to 366p/kg, with U3 heifers averaging 365.1p/kg, an increase of 1p/kg.
Prices in Britain have increased to 378p to 380p/kg on R4 grading animals, with U grades on 383p to 388p/kg.
The trade for cull cows is steady, with O+3 animals on a top quote of 275p/kg, while R grade animals are making 285p/kg.
Lamb trade
The lamb trade has been interrupted by the snow this week, with fewer lambs presented for sale. Quotes at plants are steady, with 390p/kg on offer, making a lamb worth £85.80 at the 22kg weight limit.
Lamb numbers in the marts were down substantially due to the snow and ice. Prices showed increases, with the average in Rathfriland on Tuesday evening up by 4p/kg on average.
In Kilrea, 200 lambs sold from 358p to 379p/kg, up 13p to 18p/kg on last week.
Massereene sold 336 lambs making from 350p to 376p/kg, up by 10p/kg on last week.
In Saintfield, a sale of 505 lambs made from 346p to 400p/kg, up by 10p to 17p/kg.
Rathfriland had a sale of 540 lambs making from 328p to 381p/kg and the average was 356p/kg, up by 4p/kg on last week.
Fat ewes were scarce and top prices increased. Ewes sold to a top of £107 in Swatragh for only 40 sold. Omagh had 126 ewes selling to £96/head. In Kilrea, the top price was £75 for a show of 40 ewes and in Massereene, it was £123 for only 36 head. In Saintfield, the top price was £104 for 38 ewes sold. Rathfriland had only 30 ewes selling to a top of £104.