If we look at MartWatch figures, prices are up on last year for all animal types. The main reason for this is the current positive sentiment. This time last year the impact of the Brexit vote was being felt in the mart trade, with weaker prices and negative sentiment. One year on, and that has changed.
If we look at MartWatch figures, prices are up on last year for all animal types. The main reason for this is the current positive sentiment.
This time last year the impact of the Brexit vote was being felt in the mart trade, with weaker prices and negative sentiment. One year on, and that has changed.
Forward stores continue to be firm, despite rumours of a pending beef price slippage, and slaughter-fit and short-keep bullocks and heifers remain firm.
In some areas, managers have reported a slight improvement in prices for slaughter-fit cows due to a little more agent activity. The weanling trade is strong also. Heavy autumn-born bulls are seeing strong demand from feeders, while exporters continue to buy lighter types under 300kg.
The bullock trade is firm. Those from 600kg and over are selling from €2.00/kg to €2.30/kg, with plainer types from €1.95/kg to €2.00/kg. Bullocks from 500kg to 600kg are still being met with solid feeder demand. Prices are steady on last week and up 17c/kg or €93/head on the same week last year. Lighter stores from 400kg to 500kg are the most common on the ground and these cattle are firm at marts. Prices are ranging mainly from €2.20/kg to €2.35/kg for average-quality types, while the top third are making up to €1,300.
The heifer trade is firm also. Despite numbers on offer being small, prices are holding well. Those over 600kg are very scarce and where on offer are making up to €2.35/kg for top-quality types. Those from 500kg to 600kg are selling mainly from €2.10/kg to €2.30/kg, with U grades going over €2.45/kg in some areas. Lighter stores from 400kg to 500kg are the most abundant and are a firm trade. The average 450kg heifer is making €1,015, with U grades making €1,150.
The weanling trade is positive. Exporters are still active at lower weights for bulls, with some export demand for breeding heifers also. Special autumn-born weanling sales have seen exporters active for some top-quality types also, but, overall, the numbers being sourced for these markets are low. The main demand at autumn-born weanling sales are farmers and feeders, with the latter most active for feeding bulls from 500kg and upwards. Age is critical here, with most buyers sourcing those that will finish under 16 months.
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