Last week’s beef kill reduced to 29,737, a drop of 767 head on the previous week. Reports suggest supplies have tightened further this week, with farmers opting to capitalise on the good weather and concentrate on field work over moving stock. This has added some power back on to the seller’s side although factories continue to try to talk the trade down.

Many plants were quoting a base for steers and heifers of €3.80/kg and €3.90/kg respectively at the start of the week.

Very little stock moved at this level, with factories forced to continue paying a base of €3.85/kg and €3.95/kg to secure stock.

Some sellers are securing 3c/kg to 5c/kg extra for large lots of cattle, with plants eager to maintain throughput.

The cow trade has steadied and, in some cases, sellers with strong negotiating power are actually reporting a bit more life in the market.

This is very variable between plants, leading to a continuation of the wide differential in the trade.

P+3 grading cows are trading from a low of €2.80/kg up to €3.00/kg to feeders with large numbers on hand. O grades are trading from €2.90/kg to €3.10/kg, with suckler-bred stock attracting a 5c/kg to 10c/kg premium in some cases.

The mart trade remains a good outlet for sellers with small numbers and having difficulty negotiating on price. R grades are selling to €3.20/kg, with U grades at the higher end of the market to €3.30/kg to €3.40/kg.

Farmers should start taking more note of the date of birth of animals, with more animals approaching 30 months of age in the coming months.

Bulls steady

The bull kill has fallen by about 800 head to 3,052.

Prices are largely unchanged, with U grades trading from €3.85/kg to €3.95/kg. Quotes for R grades start as low as €3.75/kg for aged R grade bulls, but, in the main, most sellers are securing from €3.80/kg to €3.90/kg.

Sellers with supply arrangements have better selling power and, in many cases, are securing a bonus on top of prices reported.

Friesian bulls are selling from €3.65/kg for poorly conformed O-/O= bulls, while better-quality O=/+ bulls are selling 10c/kg to 15c/kg higher.

Young bulls trading on the grid are moving in the main at a base of €3.85/kg, but sellers with lighter bulls (under 400kg) that factories desire have secured €3.90/kg. This excludes the 12c/kg quality assurance bonus.

NI & British trade

British prices continue their gradual rise on the back of tight supplies and favourable exchange rates helping the market.

R4L steers and heifers have gained another 2p/kg to 3p/kg and are heading towards £3.44/kg to £3.45/kg (€4.30/kg).

The trade in the North is steady, if not a little bit stronger, with U-3 base quotes rising 2p/kg to the £3.24/kg to £3.26/kg range (€4.06/kg to €4.09/kg).

After last week’s shorter week of three days processing, there is a feeling of tighter supplies, with deals reported exceeding £3.30/kg (€4.14/kg) and rising to mid-£3.30s for choice lots or large volumes traded.

Cow trade

The cow trade is holding firm and the weaker sterling of recent weeks has resulted in a strong mart trade.

Reports suggest some finishers changed to working with cows as opposed to steers and heifers this year.

Quotes for O+3 grading cows range from £2.40/kg to £2.50/kg (€3.01/kg to €3.14/kg).