Wet weather over recent days has led to an increase in the numbers of cattle entered into sales.

The larger supplies are being met with a slight easing of prices in some areas, but, in the main, cattle prices are steady on where they were two weeks ago. Along the west coast and midlands, mart managers are confirming increased supplies of cattle, but feeders and farmers continue to be active for good-quality feeding types.

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Where plain cattle are coming to the fore, then prices are under the most pressure, particularly in the southwest. Where special and normal weanling sales are taking place, there are widespread reports of strong feeder demand for forward bulls and good farmer demand for all good-quality weanlings suitable for castrating. Exporters continue to be active also, which is placing a firm floor under the average price paid for both light weanling bulls and heifers.


MartWatch analysis shows that while average prices dipped last week, prices once again have recovered. However, in areas worst affected by heavy rainfall, sales have been larger and prices have come under pressure, particularly for plainer-quality lots. The average 650kg bullock is making €1,300 to €1,400 in strong suckler areas and up to €1,490 where U grades are on offer. Stores from 500kg to 600kg are now selling from €2.00/kg to €2.15/kg. Average-quality light stores from 400kg to 500kg are making from €2.10/kg to €2.20/kg.


Heifers from 500kg to 600kg remain steady where good-quality types are on offer, but where the quality is poorer, prices are under more pressure. Again, farmers and feeders are the main source of demand for all forward heifer types. Heifers from 400kg to 500kg are selling mainly from €2.10/kg to €2.30/kg for average-quality types and up to €2.50/kg for the top third in terms of quality. Where Angus- and Hereford-crosses from the dairy herd are on offer, prices of €1.90/kg to €2.00/kg are common.


Exporters, farmers and feeders are the main drivers of demand for weanlings. Where special sales are taking place, heavy bulls are much sought after by finishers, but age and weight are two main factors in focus. The average 450kg R+/U grade feeding bull is making €2.30/kg to €2.55/kg. Bulls from 300kg to 400kg are being met with strong farmer demand. Again, the trade here is best for suckler-bred lots, with plainer bulls feeling a little more price pressure. Heifers are selling at similar prices to the equivalent-weight bull.

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