Ten cases of bluetongue have been confirmed in the United Kingdom since Thursday 12 September.

These figures - from the UK’s Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) and Animal and Plant Health Agency - show that the total number of premises affected by BTV-3 is 56 since 26 August 2024.

The government also confirmed that the restricted zone covering Norfolk, Suffolk and Essex in England was extended to cover part of the greater London east and part of Kent.

Meanwhile, the temporary control zone (TCZ) near Faversham has been revoked and the area that formed the TCZ is now part of the restricted zone.


15 September

Three new cases of bluetongue were confirmed in cattle in Essex on Sunday. All three cases are in the restricted zone and were identified through surveillance testing.

14 September

On Saturday, two cases of BTV-3 were confirmed in cattle in Essex, both in a restricted zone.

One further case was identified through surveillance testing in the East Riding of Yorkshire in the current TCZ.

13 September

On Friday, three cases of the viral disease were identified in Essex and one in Norfolk.

The UK government has approved the use of three new BTV-3 vaccines to combat the spread of the disease in high-risk areas.

Read more

Bluetongue vaccines targeted at SE England

Dutch authorities unable to identify source of bluetongue strain

Bluetongue control zone in east Yorkshire after new case confirmed