The closing date for the recently reopened National Genotyping Programme (NGP) is approaching fast on Tuesday 20 August.

The Irish Cattle Breeding Federation (ICBF) is targeting herds participating in the Suckler Carbon Efficiency Programme (SCEP), explaining that feedback from surveys show a massive appetite to be able to genotype calves at birth.

A survey sent out to farmers in SCEP not already participating in the NGP found that 92.2% of respondents said they would rather take their SCEP genotype samples from calves when tagging at birth.

The ICBF is keen to disseminate the message that the only way for such herds to achieve this goal in 2025 is to join the NGP.

Unlike other schemes, advisers cannot apply for the NGP on behalf of their clients

It appears that there was confusion among some herdowners regarding automatic participation in NGP for SCEP herds, with ICBF stating that 36.4% of respondents assumed they were already signed up automatically or by their advisers.

Some 76.9% of SCEP participants responded that they did not fully understand/were not fully aware of the programme.

Unlike other schemes, advisers cannot apply for the NGP on behalf of their clients.

Farmers must apply through their ICBF account.

If farmers have any questions or require assistance, they can contact the HerdPlus team on 023-882042 or by email at

Programme summary

For herds signing up in 2024 the programme will run from 2024 to 2027.

From January 2025 to 2027, NGP farmers will register all calves electronically using the DNA registration process.

This includes collecting the tissue sample from the calf at birth, posting it to the relevant lab and recording information online via agfood or an approved farm software package.

Once DNA results are returned to ICBF, farmers can then complete the registration online and a passport/blue card will be issued.

The cost is approximately €6 per calf. For SCEP herds, NGP tissue samples will count towards the annual 70% SCEP genotyping requirement with additional calves incurring a €6 per calf cost.

Herds joining the NGP which are not participating in SCEP are required to join ICBF HerdPlus at a cost of €60 for annual membership.

For SCEP, herds are not required to join HerdPlus.