Judge Terry Coghill from the Orkney Islands Scotland, made quick work of the judging with 130 animals catalogued.

Champion Senior Male went to William O’Halloran with Bearna-Dhearg Freddie, this Sept ’14 Milnafua Graduate son sold for €4,600. The reserve senior champion went to Auroch Finn for David & James Wall, Finn is a full brother to Auroch Eve, this year’s Highland Show Champion. Finn was also national junior bull champion at Tullamore show this summer he sold for €5,000. Selling well was Babylon Fernado for Thomas Briody, this Kilbride Farm Newry son made €6,000. Topping the male prices was Mohona Fletcher for Gordon Salter, this Kilbride Farm Dell Boy son tipped the bidding at €7,000 to a UK buyer. Another lot attracting lots of interest was Lisnacrann Fancy Pants for Michael Oliver, this Celtic Comet son was knocked down for €5,200. The national weanling bull champion from this year’s Tullamore Show Shiloh-Farm Forever Royal was next to sell well at €6,600 for the Murray Family. Following closely was the sale’s junior bull champion Clonagh Fifty Shades, this Kilbride Farm Dragoon son sold at €6,500. Finally from the bulls Rathview Frodo, just shy of eleven months old sold for €4300. Over all bulls saw a good clearance and I’m in no doubt that the average is up on the same sale last year.

A large entry of heifers saw strong demand for the top lots, one being the days reserve junior champion Fearna Finesse for the Neenan Brothers, after a flurry of bidding before being knocked down for the top price of the day at €8,100 to a UK bidder. Following on from her was the junior champion Rathlee Fizz for Gerry Lenehan at €6,700, this one a Cruithill buddy daughter. The sale Yearling heifer champion for Garrett Behan Clonagh Fabulous Babe sold for €5,300, with the reserve yearling heifer Moorglen Fluffy Sunnygirl for Shane Silke making €4,100. In the weanling section Garrett Behan again had champion with Clonagh G-Spot, the youngest entry at just nine months of age selling for €5350, finally in the main sale was Seaview Gabby for Tony O’Leary, this one saw a successful show season this summer and sold for €5,000.

The sale also featured drafts from the Raceview, Milton & Seafort herds, with all seeing full clearance of lots. Topping the Raceview offering was Raceview Favourite selling away at €7,900 followed closely by Raceview Farah Royal at €6,000 both Hillcrest Champion daughters. Taking top price for the Milton herd was Milton Francesca, this Nov ’14 heifer out of the herds prolific breeding cow Milton Hillary, sold at €5,000. Finally Seafort Cara with her march born Auroch Bullet bull calf at foot topped this lot at €4,600.