The sharp annual decline in birth registrations from suckler cows witnessed in recent years shows no signs of abating.

The latest birth registration data published by the Irish Cattle Breeding Federation (ICBF) for the week ending 6 September 2024 shows 616,832 calves born to suckler cows.

This represents a reduction of over 40,000 calves when compared with the same period in 2023.

If this reduction in births holds until the end of 2024, it will translate to suckler birth registrations falling by in the region of 100,000 head in just two years.

The total number of birth registrations to beef dams was recorded at 791,715 head in 2023.

The reduction in births to suckler cows is been witnessed in every region with animal identification and movement (AIM) data showing the national suckler cow herd reducing by almost 250,000 head or 24% from 2013 to 2023.

Dairy expansion halted

It also appears that dairy expansion has halted, with births to dairy cows running behind the previous year for the first time in almost a decade.

At 1,514,769 calves, the gap in birth registrations compared with 2023 levels - which had been present for much of the year - has now reduced to approximately 3,450 head.

There are a number of factors contributing to lower births, including concerns around the future of the nitrates derogation, the introduction of more stringent production parameters and producer profitability.