Calf numbers have decreased quickly in the past week, with many mart managers recording a substantial drop in supply. Exporter activity is still very strong, with buyers sourcing Friesian bulls and traditional breeds.
The average Friesian bull is making just shy of €80/head, but the majority of these on offer are stronger three- to four-week-old types. Young and plainer Friesians are selling from €60 to €70/head.
The numbers of Angus and Hereford calves on offer is still quite strong, but back on recent weeks. With reduced numbers on offer, prices are said to have strengthened slightly.
The average Angus heifer is making €90 to €120/head, with some stronger types making over €140/head. Bulls are selling from €140 to €170/head. Hereford heifers and bulls are selling for €20 to €30/head more than Angus.