The EU's funding for farmers through the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) budgets is not consistent with its aspirations for farmers, IFA president Tim Cullinan has said.

Reacting to the conclusion of the EU's budgetary talks, Cullinan said on one hand the EU wants farmers to take costly actions to implement its Farm to Fork and biodiversity strategies, while on the other making clear it did not want to provide the funding necessary to do so.

“The overall allocation for CAP is down approximately 9% at constant prices, compared to the previous seven years. The Government will need to come forward with significant co-financing to protect payments,” Cullinan said.

“What farmers will want to know is how these figures, together with national co-financing from the Government, will translate into payments at farm level.”

Irish commitment

Cullinan called on Taoiseach Michaél Martin to give a clear commitment to all farmers that their payments will be at least maintained in real terms for 2021 and 2022, and when the new CAP comes into effect.

“These talks were difficult, with push back from the so-called frugal countries reducing funding for rural development from the recovery fund from €15bn to €7.5bn during the talks.

“While there is a ring-fenced ‘additional allocation’ for Ireland under rural development of €300m, the Government will need to provide significant national co-financing to support these programmes,” Cullinan stressed.


The IFA president also drew attention to the €5bn Brexit contingency fund, saying it was an important acknowledgement that some sectors and countries will need aid if there was a poor outcome in Brexit talks.

However, Cullinan also warned the promised funding could be insufficient.

Read more

CAP budget and farm payments agreed by EU leaders

Ireland won't commit to ring-fenced eco-scheme fund – Calleary