Written submissions on the future of the CAP post 2020 can be made until 23 March 2018. Submissions can be emailed to cap_post2020@agriculture.gov.ie, or by post to EU Division, Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Floor 6 Centre, Agriculture House, Kildare Street, Dublin 2, marked “Submission on CAP post 2020”. A consultation document and blank submission form are available from www.agriculture.gov.ie/farmerschemespayments/, by phone on 01- 6072183, or cap_post2020@agriculture.gov.ie
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'The fact that 80% of the payments go to 20% of farmers is not acceptable'
CAP budget: what is happening when?
Who should get direct payments? CAP 2020 talks get practical
Written submissions on the future of the CAP post 2020 can be made until 23 March 2018. Submissions can be emailed to cap_post2020@agriculture.gov.ie, or by post to EU Division, Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Floor 6 Centre, Agriculture House, Kildare Street, Dublin 2, marked “Submission on CAP post 2020”. A consultation document and blank submission form are available from www.agriculture.gov.ie/farmerschemespayments/, by phone on 01- 6072183, or cap_post2020@agriculture.gov.ie
Read more
'The fact that 80% of the payments go to 20% of farmers is not acceptable'
CAP budget: what is happening when?
Who should get direct payments? CAP 2020 talks get practical