Matt Carthy has been unveiled as Sinn Fein’s spokesperson for agriculture in the party’s Dáil front bench.

It was widely expected that the Cavan-Monaghan TD would get the nod given his experience in the area. Prior to his election to the Dáil earlier this year, Carthy served as an MEP for the Midlands-Northwest, where he was outspoken on a number of agricultural issues.

With Sinn Féin now the largest party in opposition, the Carrickmacross native will shadow and challenge the new Minister for Agriculture, Fianna Fáil’s Barry Cowen.

Carthy has already had a number of fiery exchanges with former Minister Michael Creed despite the limited Dáil sittings due to COVID-19.


Posting on social media after the announcement, Carthy said he was proud and honoured to be appointed to the position.

“I’m looking forward to championing a new beginning for Irish agriculture and pursuing fair prices, a fair CAP and fair play for our family farmers,” he said.

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