The IFA is calling on the Department of Agriculture to change the reference years for the Sheep Welfare Scheme under the next CAP.
"The reference years do not accurately reflect the current flock of many sheep farmers within the scheme and need to be changed," IFA national sheep chair Sean Dennehy said.
Under the scheme, €16.96m was paid to 18,621 farmers in 2019. Farmers get €10 per breeding ewe for completing flock welfare measures.
We need to do all we can to encourage generational renewal on sheep farms
Dennehy also questioned the amount spent by the Department on the scheme and the allowance made for new entrants.
"The Department originally allocated this scheme €25m, and four years on only €17m has been drawn down. This leaves room for new entrants," he said.
"We need to do all we can to encourage generational renewal on sheep farms in Ireland and changing the reference years and allowing new entrants are necessary steps in the right direction."