In this example, a 14-unit 2ft 6in parlour with zig-zag steel mangers was costed. A side-by-side parlour with sequential bailing or 2ft 6in straight breast rail with straight rump rail could have equally been costed. Farmers not qualifying under the Young Farmers Scheme in TAMS II should note that they will not be able to claim a grant for the construction of the parlour structure. These non-qualifying farmers will only be able to apply through the Dairy Equipment Scheme for the milking equipment only. The milking parlour structure is costed at a rate of €269.50/m2. The length of a herringbone milking parlour is measured from the end of the pit where the cows enter, to a maximum of 2m beyond the front end of the pit where the cows exit the cow stands. The space at the front of the pit is 2.7m in the drawing. Depending on the number of units, the space in front of the pit needs to be between 2.7m and 3.2m, for good cow flow. The width is the internal width between the walls and stanchions. Any stall work, rump rail, etc, is costed as part of the main structure and not covered by the milking machine unit rate of €2,986.