Despite an initial expectation that the money coming to farmers from the Stormont coronavirus support package would be paid in August, delays in getting legislation finalised, mean it is likely to be paid in early to mid-September, the Irish Farmers Journal understands.

Around half the money is going to dairy farmers who will receive approximately £11m by way of a flat rate payment of 1.28p/l on all milk supplied from March to June. Excluded from that are the litres supplied under fixed price schemes that are set above the DAERA reference price used in its calculations of 26.68p/l for February.

The pay-out of 1.28p/l is actually higher than expected, although previous figures relied on estimates of volumes and farmgate prices for May and June.

With all the relevant data now received from milk processors, the actual payment is confirmed.


In the beef sector, £7m of funding is available, with £33 per head to be paid on all cattle slaughtered between 16 February and 30 June 2020. Those slaughtered between 29 March and 16 May 2020 will receive a second payment of £40 per head.

All local cattle are eligible, including those taken for direct slaughter in the Republic of Ireland.

Cattle with IE tags will also receive the payment as long as they spent at least 30-days in an NI herd.

Only direct imports from the Republic are excluded.

The exact criteria to be applied around ownership of the animal (to dictate who gets the money) is still not fully known, but should become clear in the coming days.

In the Republic of Ireland, a €50m beef aid package has been made available, and is set to pay around €100 per head for cattle slaughtered between 1 February and 12 June 2020, subject to a limit of 100 animals.


In NI, a wider support package also extends to sheep producers, who will receive £6.88 per head on all lambs and ewes slaughtered between 22 March and 18 April 2020. Exports to the Republic of Ireland are eligible as long as the sheep were registered on APHIS.


There is also a payment of up to £136/t available to potato growers for losses incurred from 17 March to the end of July.

Read more

Are cattle exported to NI for direct slaughter eligible for €100/head payment?

Dairy and beef get bulk of £25m coronavirus support package