Compulsory Purchase Orders (CPOs) generate immense fear in rural communities and rarely engender goodwill, Seamus Sherlock of the Irish Cattle and Sheep Association (ICSA) has said.

Sherlock, the ICSA rural development chair, said farmers across many counties are continuing to operate under the constant threat of CPOs.

“Right around the country, non-essential infrastructure projects are being discussed at length above the heads of landowners, leaving many in fear that sections of their farms could be bought out from under them.

“ICSA has long held the position that any projects intending to use private farmland in any way should involve proper consultation with landowners from the outset.

“In practice, however, this is rarely the case and speculation of Compulsory Purchase Orders (CPOs) usually comes first.”

Sherlock said that there needs to be a process of careful consultation and dialogue around a boardroom table in advance of any project getting the green light.

“Many family farms are built up over generations of hard work and their future viability may be at risk if part of the farm is removed from agricultural use.

“ICSA is in favour of development in rural Ireland but not at any cost. We will stand firmly with our member who believe they are under threat of CPOs and feel they have no option but to agree to them,” he said.

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