The past week has seen a steady trade for cull cows at many marts around the country. Numbers on offer are high, but sales have been reported to have been quite steady in the past few days.

Friesian cows coming straight from the parlour continue to sell from €0.90/kg to €1.05/kg, with those carrying a little more flesh selling from €1.20/kg to €1.40/kg and up to €1.50/kg in some areas. Continental feeding cows continue to sell from €1.40/kg to €1.65/kg, with factory-fit continental cows carrying some flesh selling from €1.65kg to €1.85/kg.

Mart managers in the south have said that the supply of cows is below where they thought it would be up to now due to good grazing conditions and a strengthening milk price. However, it is anticipated that cull cow numbers will increase again in the coming weeks.

There have been a good numbers of special in-calf heifer sales in the past week. Where sales are large, the in-calf continental heifers are being met with slightly weaker demand. The best trade continues to be for good-quality heifers, which will be calving down at two and a half to three years of age. Farmers are continuing to look for heifers showing signs of milk, and if they are four to five stars on the replacement index, then it is being seen as a bonus. Lighter heifers that will calve down at two years of age are much slower sell and are not being met with as much demand. Most in-calf heifers are selling at prices ranging from €1,400 to €1,800. However, in some cases sellers are taking as low as €1,200 to move plainer and lighter types.

Farmers active for calves

The trade for suck calves remains firm in most areas. Numbers remain low, but where they are on offer, farmer buyers are active. Friesian bull calves are selling from €100 to €120/head with for farmers type calves, with lighter calves making from €70 upwards. Angus bulls and heifers are making from €220/head to €260/head, with age and quality having a large impact on prices. Herefords are selling from €250 to €300/head while continentals are making from €250 to €350 per head. Bucket-reared weanlings are on offer in the south and prices are quite firm, with most selling from €1.80/kg to €2.00/kg for those around 200-250kg.

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Prices highest for quality cattle as more plainer types on offer

Shippers and farmers keep a firm floor under weanling prices

Strong trade for quality at Enniscorthy

Strong trade for quality continues at Ballymena

A guide to special and upcoming sales.