The positive cull ewe trade of recent weeks continued at Saturday’s sheep sale in Mountbellew mart, Galway for an entry of about 181 head. The trade has been solid for much of the spring and has held relatively firm considering the collapse in lamb prices.

A noticeable feature of Saturday’s sale was a narrow differential in price between average quality, freshly weaned ewes with an average to good cover of flesh, and better quality lots. There were very little lowland ewes sold under €90 per head and as can be seen in the photos. Average quality lots sold from €86 to €96 per head. Similar-size ewes in improved body conditions sold from €103 to €112 per head with large-framed top quality ewes selling from €115 to €126. A few pens sold from €127 to a top of €130 per head.

Lamb entries are continuing on their rise to peak throughput with over 1,600 lambs on offer. While still an excellent trade with strong buyer demand, reports suggest store lamb prices eased €3 to €5 on the previous week. Light lambs, in particular, attracted keen demand with many sellers looking to get into numbers at a lower price. Most light lots had no weight shown but many lots of average quality lots as shown in the photos sold from €70 to €78 per head. Heavier lambs weighing 32kg to 38kg sold from €76 to €86 per head. Short-keep lambs weighing close to 40kg sold for up to €88 per head.

Factory-fit lambs were in the minority, with lots weighing 45kg to 48kg selling from €94 to €97 per head. Heavier lambs weighing 50kg to 54kg sold from €98 to €103 per head. Ewe lambs suitable for breeding attracted a premium of €10 to €12 per head.

It was hard to put a price range on a small entry of breeders with large variability in quality on offer. Good quality third- and fourth-crop ewes sold from €90 to €120 per head with the cull ewe trade keeping a floor under prices. First and second crop ewes sold to €150 with hoggets selling to €170 per head.

Meanwhile, the factory trade has eased about 5c/kg, with plants quoting €4.50/kg to €4.60/kg but paying €4.70/kg to €4.75/kg for Monday morning delivery.