Following its adoption at the committee stage earlier this month, the Dáil has now passed the Petroleum and Other Minerals Development (Prohibition of Onshore Hydraulic Fracturing) Bill. The proposed legislation must now go through the Seanad before it becomes law.
“The scientific evidence overwhelmingly shows that permitting fracking in Ireland and Northern Ireland would pose significant threats to the air, water and the health and safety of individuals and communities here,” said Sligo-Letirim Fine Gael TD Tony McLoughlin, who introduced the bill.
Many farmers in the northwest and around the Shannon estuary, where shale gas is known to be under the ground, have opposed proposed exploration and extraction through fracking.
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Watch and listen: northwest farmers welcome fracking report
Following its adoption at the committee stage earlier this month, the Dáil has now passed the Petroleum and Other Minerals Development (Prohibition of Onshore Hydraulic Fracturing) Bill. The proposed legislation must now go through the Seanad before it becomes law.
“The scientific evidence overwhelmingly shows that permitting fracking in Ireland and Northern Ireland would pose significant threats to the air, water and the health and safety of individuals and communities here,” said Sligo-Letirim Fine Gael TD Tony McLoughlin, who introduced the bill.
Many farmers in the northwest and around the Shannon estuary, where shale gas is known to be under the ground, have opposed proposed exploration and extraction through fracking.
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Watch and listen: northwest farmers welcome fracking report