There is more than one method of successfully weaning calves. The table below outlines the main weaning criteria:

There is more than one method of successfully weaning calves. The table below outlines the main weaning criteria:

The calf-rearer should use whatever weaning method works best for them. Several key factors should be considered, regardless of the weaning method.
Steps to successful weaning
Reduce milk feeding levels seven to 10 days prior to weaning to stimulate higher concentrate intakes.
Calves should be eating at least 1kg of a high-quality concentrate prior to weaning. Calves not eating enough concentrates should be kept on milk/milk replacer until they are consuming 1kg of concentratesCalves should have access to a high-quality fibre source, for example straw/hay.Calves should have access to fresh, clean water at all times. Stress levels should be kept to a minimum during weaning.
Growth target for spring-born calves