A quick search in Qualifax, Ireland’s education framework directive, will tell you that there are 18 dairy courses available in Ireland, from level five all the way up to level nine. These are available in 18 different colleges around the country, and vary from basic agricultural courses to dairy herd management courses to a professional diploma in dairy farm management.

Below we outline three of the most popular routes into dairy farm management in Ireland for those that want to go milking cows or work elsewhere in the industry.

Course name: Agriculture – Full-Time

Available in: Kildalton Agricultural College; Ballyhaise Agricultural College; Clonakilty Agricultural College; Gurteen Agricultural College; Mountbellew Agricultural College; Pallaskenry Agricultural College.

Level: Five.

Entry requirements: This course is offered full-time at the colleges above. This course will be of most benefit to anyone who has completed the senior cycle at second level and turns 17 on 1 January following their entry to the course. Places may also be offered on a part-time basis to mature students at agricultural colleges and Teagasc Regional Education Centres to applicants over the age of 23 on 1 January following entry to the course.

Course aims: This is primarily an introductory course in which young people can make a start to their careers as dairy farmers. The course is suitable for people seeking employment on farms.

Course content: The course consists of a combination of formal course work and a period of practical learning. The formal course work is split 50:50 between practical/skills and theoretical sessions. The course consists of a range of mandatory and elective modules. Students choose a cluster of elective modules in one of the following specialisms: dairy production, drystock production, machinery and crop production.

Placement: Students on the full-time programme spend a 12-week practical learning period on an approved dairy farm of their choice.

Progression: Students with this level five award may progress to the level six advanced certificate in agriculture or a level six specific purpose certificate in farm administration.

Students with this level five award may apply, via the Higher Education Links Scheme, for the higher certificate in agriculture/BSc in agriculture. If students obtain a merit or distinction they may apply directly to Waterford, Cork and Dundalk ITs for direct entry to year two of the higher certificate in agriculture/BSc in agriculture, at which they can study dairy at a higher level. After completing this they can progress to a level six course taught at the same institutions, as is outlined above.

Course Name: Dairy Herd Management

Available in: Ballyhaise Agricultural College; Clonakilty Agricultural College; Gurteen Agricultural College; Kildalton Agricultural College; Pallaskenry Agricultural College.

Entry requirements: Those who have completed the QQI level five certificate in agriculture (see above) are eligible to apply.

Course aims: to provide students with in-depth knowledge of dairying and the dairy industry. It is designed to ensure that participants acquire the high level of technical and managerial skills required to run a modern commercial dairy farm and to gain employment in the agribusiness sector.

Course content: students spend 20 weeks on course work in the college. Also students complete a 12-week practical learning period on an approved training host farm. While most complete this in Ireland, there are opportunities for completing the practical learning period in the USA, New Zealand, Australia and Europe.

Placement: see above.

Progression: students who achieve merit or distinction in the QQI level six advanced certificate in agriculture are eligible to apply to Waterford IT/Cork IT for direct entry to year two of the bachelor of science in agriculture (level seven) or direct entry into year three of the level seven BSc in agriculture at Dundalk IT. Students are also eligible to apply for the Teagasc professional diploma in dairy farm management.

Course name: Teagasc professional Diploma in Dairy Farm Management

Available in: Kildalton Agricultural College; University College Dublin; Moorepark Teagasc Food Research Centre.

Course entry requirements: a level six qualification in agriculture or a closely related area.

Course aims: this professional diploma (level seven special purpose award) is promoted as the industry recognised award for professional dairy farm managers.

The programme is unique in bringing together an integrated team of highly specialised Teagasc staff including college lecturers, Moorepark research staff, dairy and financial knowledge transfer specialists with input from guest lecturers including commercial dairy farmers and the dairy industry.

Course content: this course contains four main components: dairy farm expansion and development, dairy technology, dairy farm management and dairy professional work experience.

Placement: this course is unique as it provides students with two years professional work experience on approved progressive commercial dairy farms.

For three consecutive days per month, students will attend block release days in Teagasc Animal & Grassland Research and Innovation Centre Moorepark or Kildalton College.

Progression/career opportunities: the programme offers career opportunities for ambitious dairy farmers who want to run successful dairy herds. Past graduates have successfully gone on to manage and expand their own family farm, become commercial farm managers and are involved in share milking opportunities.

Dairy Day 2017

The Irish Farmers Journal will host National Dairy Day on Thursday 23 November 2017 in Punchestown Event Centre, Co. Kildare. The event promises to offer solutions for a growing sector. The day aims to showcase all that is good about the dairy industry and find solutions for farmers to emerging challenges and trends. To get a FREE ticket for Dairy Day, simply collect 3 tokens from the Irish Farmers Journal and bring them along with you on the day or BUY YOUR TICKET HERE