Cork farmers will protest against changes to Ireland’s nitrates derogation in Bandon on Thursday evening, 13 July at 7.30pm.

In a rallying call to all farmers, farm organisations, milk suppliers and processers, Cork central IFA chair Conor O’Leary said the protest will make the EU and Irish government aware of the seriousness of the “mad move” to reduce stocking rates.

“I understand that many of you are desperately concerned at the moment about the push to move the derogation from 250kg N to 220kg N [per hectare],” he said.

He was speaking in a video circulated to IFA members on Friday.


O’Leary said all derogation farmers – dairy farmers, tillage farmers and beef farmers – will be impacted and encouraged them to attend the rally.

The Bandon rally commences at 7.30pm. \ Donal O' Leary

“If you’re within 30 minutes of Bandon, please bring a tractor. If you’re over 30 minutes from Bandon, please bring a car full. We need a big crowd and a big presence in Bandon next Thursday.

“This invitation goes to all farm groups, all organisations, all processors and suppliers, to come together and show the importance of our current stocking rates to your system and to your livelihoods,” he said.

Read more

Stocking rate limit set to inflate land prices

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