Dairygold is offering a €15/t rebate on bulk mainline dairy and beef feeds.

The discount will be delivered during the four-week period from Monday 12 August to Friday 6 September.

The dairy co-operative says this is in response to the difficulties faced by members in recent months, particularly following the poor weather, including a late spring.

Explaining the rationale for the offer, Dairygold technical adviser Liam Stack said that the 2024 growing season has been very challenging, resulting in reduced grass growth rates, milk volumes and fodder reserves on farm.

The announcement follows two previous feed rebates offered by Dairygold in April and June this year.

Interest-free credit

In addition, in April, Dairygold extended the period for which interest-free credit was available on the purchase of farm inputs and introduced a competitive fodder stretcher and provided one-to-one advice on managing fodder supplies.

The rebate is designed to support farmers to build their grass and fodder stocks and to maximise milk volumes, to increase margin to year-end.

“A dairy cow still has the potential to produce over €1,000 worth of milk revenue from here to year-end,” added Stack.