Farmers can check their stocking rates for the year up to June to help them maintain compliance with nitrates rules.

The Department of Agriculture published cattle-only interim nitrogen and phosphorous statements on farmers’ accounts on Thursday.

The figures shown in these nitrogen and phosphorus statements are based off the current excretion rates laid down in legislation.

These figures do not take account of a proposed lowering the excretion rates for youngstock and dairy cows fed low protein rations announced by the Department earlier this year.

Minister for Agriculture Charlie McConalogue has stated that the updated, lower figures will be used by his Department to determine stocking rates if this process is concluded before the end of 2024.

“While it is not possible to implement the proposed excretion rate changes at the point, I am conscious the information presented in the interim statements will allow farmers the opportunity to check their bovine nitrates levels to the end of June based on the current rules.”

The Minister added that he is working with Minister for Housing, Darragh O’Brien to conclude the interim review of the Nitrates Action Programme “as soon as possible."