Kerry Dairy Ireland has set its suppliers' July base milk price at 41.98c.l excluding VAT.

The price represents a 1.43c/l rise on that paid for June’s supplies at base constituents of 3.3% protein and 3.6% fat.

July’s price will equate to 46.02c/l excluding VAT at EU standard constituents of 3.4% protein and 4.2% fat.

The price increase is the second successive boost to the processor’s milk prices and follows a 1.7c/l ex-VAT rise in Lakeland Dairies’ price for July’s supplies.

A spokesperson for Kerry Dairy Ireland stated that butter prices “continue to bolster” dairy market returns.

“The demand landscape remains largely stable, with robust demand outside of China, while demand from China continues to be weak,” the co-op said.

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Kerry increases June milk price

Lakeland Dairies lifts July milk price