Kerry Dairy Ireland has set its December milk price at 47.71c/l, excluding VAT.

This is based on standard constituents of 3.3% protein and 3.6% butterfat and marks a 0.47c/l rise, excluding VAT, in the milk price at the co-op compared with November.

Meanwhile, at EU standard constituents of 3.4% protein and 4.2% butterfat, the price of milk supplied in December is 52.25c/l, excluding VAT. This is a 0.52c/l, excluding VAT, increase compared with the previous month.

Based on Kerry’s average milk solids for December, the milk price return, not including VAT but inclusive of bonuses, is 61.07c/l.

A spokesperson for Kerry Dairy said: “Butter and cheese prices in Europe have eased from recent highs, but remain relatively stable within a narrow band.

“It remains to be seen whether projected volume increases will materialise and how increased supply will impact markets.”

Other co-ops

Both Lakeland Dairies and Dairygold announced that there would be no change between their November and December milk prices, along with announcing end-of-year bonuses for the 2024 milk supply.

For standard constituents of 3.3% protein and 3.6% butterfat, the December milk price at Lakeland is 47.32c/l, excluding VAT.

Dairygold set its price for milk supplied last month with the same constituents at 47.71c/l, excluding VAT.

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