Sinn Féin’s agriculture spokesperson Martin Kenny TD has moved to clarify his position on the nitrates derogation.

The Leitrim TD has stated that the party is committed to securing the derogation and said that the “failed approach” of the current coalition Government would mean that the derogation’s days will be numbered.

“The continuation of that approach will result in the end of Ireland’s derogation. That was the point I made to agri journalists recently.

“This is no way suggests that we should throw in the towel or just accept the trajectory that the Fianna Fáil/Fine Gael/Green Party Government have set.

"It reinforces the need for a change of government. Sinn Féin in government will protect and improve our water sources and Ireland’s family farmers, including defending the nitrates derogation,” he said.

Protecting water

“Sinn Féin have always recognised the need to protect water sources and to do so in a way that allows our farming families to produce the top-quality food for which Ireland is renowned.

"We believe that, with the right approach, these objectives can both be met while maintaining Ireland’s derogation to the nitrates directive.

“However, it is imperative that Government pursue a science-led partnership approach with farmers and other stakeholders. Such an approach should utilise modern technology on farms and ensure that all other sources of water pollution are also tackled,” he said.