Dairygold has maintained its milk price for the month of February at 47.57c/l, excluding VAT.

This price is based on standard constituents of 3.3% protein and 3.6% fat and is inclusive of both sustainability and quality bonuses.

In addition, Dairygold is paying a February early calving bonus of 5c/l, excluding VAT. However, this is down from January's early calving bonus of 7c/l, excluding VAT.

This will increase the milk price to 52.57c/l, excluding VAT, at standard constituents.

Dairygold said that the February milk price equates to an average farmgate milk price of 60.32c/l, based on the average February 2025 milk solids achieved by its suppliers.

Stable markets

A Dairygold spokesperson said that dairy markets are generally stable, with strong demand for butter and cheese and somewhat weaker demand for milk powders.

"Milk production remains stable, but buyers remain cautious in advance of the EU peak milk supply, while the threats of tariffs overhangs the whole market," they said.

"The Dairygold board continues to monitor markets closely and will review milk price on a monthly basis.”