The Dairygold board has increased its quoted milk price by 1.19c/l, excluding VAT, for August.

Based on 3.3% protein and 3.6% butterfat, Dairygold’s milk price for milk supplied last month was 43.65c/l excluding VAT.

The August milk price equates to an average farmgate milk price of 51.04c/l, excluding VAT, based on the average August 2024 milk solids, achieved by Dairygold milk suppliers.

The milk price based on EU standard constituents of 3.4% protein and 4.2% butterfat is 47.6c/l, excluding VAT.

A spokesperson for the company said: “Dairy market returns continue to be positive, with market prices improving, as buying activity increases and as global supply remains constrained.”


Meanwhile, Carbery has lifted its base milk price for August by 3c/l, excluding VAT.

That increases Carbery’s base price for milk last month to 44.28c/l excluding VAT.

A spokesperson for Carbery said if this decision is replicated across the four west Cork co-ops - Bandon, Barryroe, Drinagh and Lisavaird - this will result in an average milk price of 45.83c/l, excluding VAT, 0.48c/l SCC bonus and FutureProof sustainability bonus.

“This increase in milk price is driven by strengthening markets for cheese and continuing positive dairy market recovery and performance.”

Other co-ops

Kerry Dairy Ireland has also increased its August milk price, now sitting at 43.17c/l excluding VAT for 3.3% protein and 3.6% butterfat.

In addition, similar to Kerry Dairy and Dairygold, Lakeland Dairies raised their base milk prices by 1.19c/l excluding VAT.

Its August milk price is 43.89c/l excluding VAT for 3.3% protein and 3.6% butterfat.

Read more

Kerry Dairy Ireland lifts August milk price

Lakeland lifts milk price for August