Darkness into Light is a fundraising walk/run in aid of Pieta House, the suicide and self-harm crisis centre.

Since its start in 2009, Darkness Into Light has grown to be the flagship event for Pieta House, with approximately 40,000 people taking part in 2013. The phenomenon will celebrate its sixth anniversary on Saturday 10 May, with nearly 40 venues across Ireland and beyond lined up to take part.

This year, the event is supported by Electric Ireland and the 5km walk/run starts at 4.15am, with participants crossing the line just as dawn breaks.

Think about how good it will be to collapse back into your warm bed later on that morning, knowing that you’ve done your kind deed for the day, and your exercise for the week. Ultimately, think about how Darkness Into Light is the flagship fundraising and awareness event for Pieta House and without the support of so many committed people, it could not continue to provide a service. Look out for a Darkness Into Light event near you. Further information can be found on pieta.ie.

By Garvan Hickey, on behalf of the RYI Committee