Dawn Meats will resume the processing of beef at its dedicated facility in Carrolls Cross, Co Waterford, for McDonald’s outlets across Europe on Monday 25 May.

It is welcome news for the plants employees as well as the wider Irish beef sector and comes as McDonald’s begins to reopen some of its chains, including six in Ireland.

In a normal year, the Waterford plant would produce more than 400m beef burgers

It is estimated the company has produced over 2bn burgers for the fast food chain since 2012.

In a normal year, the Waterford plant would produce more than 400m beef burgers.

The plant ceased production for McDonald’s on 18 March and has remained inactive for more than two months. Dawn said all 50 affected employees were redeployed to other parts of the business to cater for the increased demand from Irish retail customers and a surge in online meat sales.


They will now return to the Carroll’s Cross plant, subject to enhanced protocols to meet the increased demand from McDonald’s.

The added safety measures include enhanced cleaning of contact surfaces and communal areas, installation of protective perspex screens and issuance of visors for use by staff.

We are particularly pleased that we have been able to maintain secure employment for all staff

CEO Dawn Meats Niall Browne said: “The reopening of Carrolls Cross is great news for staff and our supplier farmers, and an important confidence boost for all who have been affected by the closure of restaurants and the loss of the associated production.

“We are particularly pleased that we have been able to maintain secure employment for all staff, thereby ensuring our ability to swiftly restart production as restaurants reopen on a phased basis as planned.”

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